Moment of Silence
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New York City
Before a get into the minor Moments of Silence, first I would like to say that my heart goes out to all that has been affected by the September 11th disaster. A moment of silence surely goes out to those afected.
United we stand!

Now to the Minor Stuff:
Please give a moment of silence for each of these topics as you read them! Thank you!

Marty Straka and his broken Right leg

Mario lemieux and his hurting Hip

Tom Barrasso and his 13 year old daughter who is battling with cancer.

Alexei Kovalev and his hurting Knee

Jaromir Jagr (I know some of you don't like him, but I do so deal with it!) and his hurting knee.

Peter Skudra and his teamlessness

Kip Miller and his stinkiness

the Americans (the AHL team) and their smelliness

Hedberg and the fact that he is married! (All the good guys are, why is that? with exception to my main men Toby, Billy, Ivan Huml, Kovy, Skudra, Milan Karft, and many of my baby Bruin men...they are great!)

A moment for my Kitty's poor baby!

Ivan Hlinka and his stupidness...should have learned that english, huh Ivan?

Boston and their lack of good

Barrington and their soon to be lack of 2004 I am out of here for sure!

*~~~* more is to come, just wait*~~~*
Moment of Silence for Garth Snow
Garth Snow, present goalie for teh Islanders, former Penguin (that is why I am writing this!), and his family has had a great loss in the family after the death of his 36 year old brother. His death has brought Snow back to his hometown in Mass. He wil return to the Islanders, but deserves all the support he can get.
Good Luck Snow!