About Me:
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My Warning:
I am not about to tell any of you much of my life, just enough to make this site understandable...it will work, trust me!

My Normal Life:
I try and keep my life as normal as possible, but as many of you know, being normal is highly overrated, that is why I try and keep myself normal in my eyes, maybe it's normal in only my eyes, but in the end, I am the only judge of myself, so it's all okay!

Anyway, I grew up in Barrington, it's dull, trust me! I lived in Warren/Bristol until I was three, then headed over to the place I call home at the moment. I go to High School, but my Kickboxing career comes first. Anyway, before you know it I will be out of high school and roaming around the US. I am taking college-bound course because I don't think it will look good if I don't take them and become President. That is right, you all will be bossed around by me one day. Don't worry, I will keep the US just as it is, just with a few minor changes, like having Siberia becoming a part of the US, no big changes though...so vote for me!

Okay, I am a very grounded, nice person, I guess, well my mom says I am, but then again my mom likes everyone...not a reliable source...huh?

Personal Stuff:

No Boyfriend yet...but I ma working on it, don't worry...I will have Ivan Huml, don't worry...as soon as he sits out a game for Providence and I can meem for the first time, I will pop the question...I have asked other P-Bruins, but they say "No, I have a wife" or "No, not right now Jessica, go find someone else to bug" you know, the usual turn downs...

I actually have friends! Proud of me?
Here they are:

Sam-Star Wars freak...don't take that personally!

Justine- Pretty Talented

Bryan- hockey nut, he is cool...lol

Bobby- hockey nut too, he's cool too, but in a younger sibling type way, though he isn't my sibling

Craig- cute little kid, hockey nut too!

Chloe- hmmm...she is just Chloe

Hmmm...who else to put....

Then there are all the guys I talk with through emails, like Todd and Joey, they are cool too!

I also have my whole P-Bruins team of friends, they are great, some of them hid from me, but deep down inside, they really like me!

My family:
Hmmm...they are interesting people...lol

My mom- WAY to nice, but great

My dad- crazy, annoying, the usual

My sister Megan- cool, she is in Washington now though...

My sister Laura- I have had enough of this one, i have asked my mom many times to return her, but I have had no success

My Brother Joey- Cute, cool little kid

My Brother-in-law, Nate- married to Megan, don't really know him to well...he got abetter job in Washington, the state, and packed his family up and left, so the chance of me getting to know him better...it just isn't there.

My niece Jordan Alexis- she is cute, shre is my oldest niece...she isn't that old, trust me!

My niece Jazmine Alyssa- she is equally cute, she is younger than Jordan.br>

Okay, that is all for now!

This page isn't done yet!